Woman having holidays in Lapland with a Rollz Motion rollator

Tips for walking with a rollator in winter

Dreamy white landscapes, hot chocolate and the joy of Christmas holidays make winter time a wonderful season. For people with mobility issues however, walking with a rollator in winter can also be filled with anxiety.

Woman walking on slopes with a rollator

Walking on slopes

It may seem difficult to walk up or down inclines while using a rollator, especially if fully leaning on it for support or when a slope is long or steep. Slopes are increasingly present around buildings, bridges, and parks to enhance accessibility to them.

Woman sitting on a rollator with a correct position

Sitting on a rollator

If you use a mobility aid for support, you may find that walking or standing becomes difficult or tiresome at certain moments. One possible solution is having the option of sitting on a rollator to get some rest.

Martijn Schaaper in the interview about the human body

A body adapts seamlessly

Rollz International CEO Martijn Schaaper shares his thoughts on the efficiency of the human body, the importance of good product design and the value of daily exercise and activity.