Man with rollator walking in the park with his wife

How to correctly use a rollator outdoors

Going outdoors with a rollator for the first time is a big step, both mentally and physically. Knowing how to do it handy and in a safe way will make the learning process less complicated.

It is important to keep moving either when recovering from an illness or looking to stay active and fit, despite having walking difficulties. Your rollator can help you with that so make sure to learn and dare to use it, but always within your strength. 

Dare to go over a mental threshold

The first step is the most difficult one: to accept that you need a walking aid to keep on going out and be active. It will enable you to keep on doing groceries by yourself, to have a coffee with a neighbor, go shopping with your kids or walk to church. The key is to look at your walker in a positive way because thanks to it you can keep on doing all those things.

If possible, try to go with your rollator outdoors daily. It is advisable to practice under the guidance and supervision of your physiotherapist or occupational therapist. He can adapt the guidance to your personal situation.

You could also join groups where people facing the same difficulties are sharing their personal experiences. This way you will see that you are not alone and get prepared for different life situations.

Rollator theory lessons

Learning how to use your rollator outdoors in the correct way will give you confidence to go outside and rely on it under different circumstances.

For sure you do not want to bump into anyone’s shinbone or stumble when there is a big hole or bump in the road. Going on or off a big threshold, for example, requires some practice. We give you tips for all kinds of outdoor situations in a series of four lessons created by former physiotherapist Anne-Wil Siegmund, currently client and store consultant at Rollz.

“Take your time to learn”, she advises. “We assure you it is not rocket science and you will be confident to go with a rollator outdoors. Just stay focused at your goal and what you want to reach. Only the way to get there has been changed a bit.”

Prevent falling with a rollator

There is a smaller chance that somebody with balance issues falls while using a rollator than when not using it. After all, a rollator is meant to give support. Thanks to their rollators people walk more and train their muscles, which makes them fall less due to more stability and strengths.

Accidents involving falling with a rollator occur mainly when users do not know how to use their rollator, that is why it is important to learn how to do it right.

“Ask somebody to help you practice our rollator lessons in a safe way. In addition, ask your own physical therapist for a rollator driving-lesson. Or two, or as many necessary to learn”, Anne-Wil Siegmund advices.

“This way you can practice under guidance and after a while everything will be recorded in your ‘muscle memory’ and you will do the movements more or less automatically. You won’t have to think about it.”

Make sure to practice outdoors all of the four lessons: