Can the rollators to be used both in- and outside?
Just like most rollators, our rollators can be used both in- and outside. The Rollz Motion Performance is equipped with extra features for more comfort when its being used on rougher terrain. This model comes with air tires for better shock absorption and softer armrests for extra comfort.
Are the rollators foldable?
Every model is foldable into a compact package. This makes our rollators easy to carry in a bus, the trunk of a car, an aiplane or be stored on the hallway of your home.
Can I use the rollator as a wheelchair?
The Rollz Motion range of products are designed to be a rollator and wheelchair in one. The transformation from rollator into wheelchair can be done on the go, without any equipment needed. This way you can choose at any moment if you want to walk or sit and regain your stamina, but still continue the journey.
What do I need to watch out for when I compare rollators?
Every rollator is designed with a clinical picture in mind or to answer a problem of a customer. The Rollz Flex is designed with a light frame, a large shopping bag and a stylish design. This rollator is perfect when you don’t feel like you need a rollator yet, but you can use the stability a rollator provides.
The Rollz Motion and Rollz Motion Performance are designed so that you always have a rollator and a wheelchair with you whenever you need either one, and you don’t have to carry two products with you at the same time. Beyond this, the rollators are comfortable, stable and easy to manoeuvre.
The Rollz Motion Rhythm is meant for people with a neurological condition like Parkinson. A series of stimuli like a laser, sound and vibrations in the grips help with walking and keeping a stable walking rhythm.
Which rollator is the best for me?
Every rollator is designed for a specific use, so this totally depends on what you need. Rollz Flex is best rollator for starters and people who want a little bit of extra support or even those looking for a full rollator that does not look like a typical rollator. If you want a rollator that meets more specific requirements, every model of the Rollz Motion line is a good option. We recommend to look at your personal needs and wishes, and compare between our products to see what fits your needs the best.
Can de rollators be equipped with accessories like air tires?
Every model has many different accessories available. Examples of the accessories that we offer are the cane holder, the 3-in-1 holder and travel cover. You can check our website for our entire range.
Every Rollz Motion model can be equipped with air tires, but the Rollz Motion Performance has these special tires as a standard feature on the rollator. These tires are perfect for use on uneven or rough terrain. Our other models are always delivered with foam filled tires that help with absorbing vibrations.
What are the experiences from end users?
On our website you can find many different reviews, blogs and video’s from users of our rollators. Furthermore, users can leave reviews via Trustpilot, where we have a rating of 4.6 out of 5.
Walking makes you stronger and exercising daily is very important for improving your mobility. With a Rollz rollator, you walk comfortably and stylish everywhere you go. This way you can continue to enjoy an independent and active lifestyle.

Keep walking with a stable rollator from Rollz
Longer and more often than you are used to
Becoming more mobile is not only good for your physical health but it can also boost your mental condition by being able to go on a shopping trip or a walk in the park. Our modern rollators are not only easily manoeuvrable and controllable, they also give the support you need to keep a good posture and walk upright. This allows you to keep walking and easily continue your vacation or family gatherings without any breaks.
Rollz rollators are made from premium materials and have proven their high quality in the last ten years. Rollz rollators can last for years to come and can keep doing their job of providing the support that you need. The Rollz rollators are compact, stable, safe and customizable. This makes a Rollz rollator a perfect fit for anybody.
Buying a rollator?
Are you planning to buy a rollator? Then it is important to find a rollator that fits your needs.
A rollator is a vitally important tool for a lot of people. It offers stability and increases your mobility. At home, you can manoeuvre more easily through your house, and outside it can prove to be an ideal mobility aid. An outing to an acquaintance, supermarkets or the park are not a problem anymore. Check the different models are available online on our website.

Optimal weight

The weight of a rollator is of critical importance since you carry it with you everywhere. A lightweight rollator weighs between 5-8 kilo’s. Every Rollz model is efficiently assembled and made from aluminium, and therefore not heavy. The Rollz Flex is the ideal lightweight rollator.
In- or outdoor

All models can be used inside and outside the house. If you want to use it more for outdoor, make sure to consider the locations beforehand. This because some rollators are equipped with air tires, like the Rollz Motion Performance, which provide extra shock absorption.

It is important that the rollator is tuned to your personal needs and wishes. When the rollator is brought by a Rollz consultant, it will always be adjusted to your needs. Warranty is also an important when looking for a rollator. At Rollz, we offer a 5 year warranty on any new rollator.
Many different types of rollators

The rollators from Rollz
Find the rollator that fits your needs perfectly
The rollators from Rollz offer you the support that you need. If you need a little or a lot of support, rollz rollators are unique, but offer the comfortability, safety and flexibility you need.
The rollators from Rollz have a couple of advantages. First of all, they offer maximum stability. Rollz rollators are very stable and designed by sports scientists for maximum comfort when you walk. Also, when you walk, you can make use of the seat to take a quick break and rest. If you own a Rollz Motion, you can transform the rollator into a wheelchair anytime you want. This way, you can easily walk long distances and makes a visit to the store or to a family member a walk in the park. Secondly, the Rollz rollator will be fitted to your personal needs when you retrieve it from any of our locations. Moreover, you can return the rollator within 14 days. The Rollz rollators are available online and via many different mobility shops.
Personal online demonstration
Rollz offers the best walking experience, the rollators are stable, safe, offer the maximum amount of stability, are easily manoeuvrable, and assembled in a way that helps you keep a comfortable walking position.
Are you unsure of which rollator fits your needs? There are many different models that fit a lot of different users or lifestyles. Our Rollz consultant can offer a personal online demonstration to show you how to use the rollator, and give advice on which rollator fits your needs.

Testing your new rollator
Our Rollz consultant can give you a personal demonstration to show you how the rollators work. They can also advice you which rollator fits your needs the best. If you buy a new Rollz rollator at one of our own distribution locations, the rollator will be fitted to your personal needs and body type. Currently we have the ability to send a consultant to your home when you buy a rollator, due to the inability to open our shops. This consultant will test the rollator together with you, and will demonstrate and calibrate the rollator for you.
We also think it is important that you can try out the rollator at home for 14 days and if it is not to your liking, you have the possibility to return the Rollz rollator free of charge. If you decide to keep the Rollz, we want you to enjoy the rollator to the fullest. That is why we offer a 5-year warranty.
Multifunctional for in- and outside use
The rollators from Rollz can be used for long distance walking outside, but are also perfect for inside use. This is because Rollz rollators are manoeuvrable, easy to steer and flexible for inside use, and stable for outside use. Our designers have made sure that the rollators are ideal for daily usage. A walk outside, doing the groceries or walking through the house are activities everyone needs to be able to do. With Rollz, all of these activities are made a lot easier, and you don’t have to worry about the distance you are planning to travel.
Walking is good for every body type, and not only for your body, but also for your mind it is critical you stay active. Keep your muscles active and moving with Rollz and limit your chance of falling. The stable rollator from Rollz makes walking safe. Every detail has been designed with a purpose in mind, so that you can keep walking stylish and safely. We also have a series of lessons designed to help you use the rollator, where we also provide tips. Watch this series of videos, and yo will be fully prepared to walk long distances with your Rollz.